What is a Package?

As you may know, RevPanel allows you to host services on your machine with ease. Our panel is smart but not enough to know how your service works. This is why we use something called Package.

A Package is a set of information that tells RevPanel how to handle your service.

Creating a Package

While the panel is in a beta phase, this feature is not available. To submit a package, email us with the same information.

Before getting started, grab the following information about your service:

  • A fancy name
  • An even fancier description
  • A URL to your service’s website
  • Where all the files are located (absolute path)
  • The docker image to use
  • Optional: Ports to forward
  • Optional: Names of supported environment variables

Now that you have all the information, let’s create the package.

Proceed to the and fill in the form.

Once you’re done, click on the “Create” button and wait for the panel to process your request.

This action could require several days since it must pass a manual verification.