Why should I do it?

If you have a GitHub repository for your project and you want to automatically deploy it, you can import it as a service image. Also, that’s the best way to use a custom docker image without any extra configuration.

Importing a Repository

The following steps require basic Docker knowledge to create a Dockerfile.


Create a DockerFile

You must create a Dockerfile in the root of your repository. It must contain all the build configurations to create your image.


Create a GitHub Token

You can do that by going to this page, you must grant the repo permission. Give also a No expiration flag to the token or you will need to recreate the service on expiration.


Create the service

Go to RevPanel, select your server, and click Add new service*. Then select the Import button. You will need to provide all the required fields and then click import.


Wait for the magic

The rest is handled automatically, you will be redirected to the services page and nothing will happen until the build is finished. After that, the service will appear on that page.