Adding users

User management is a great way to allow multiple people to access your server. You can add as many users as you want, and you can also remove them at any time.

Adding a user

In order to add a user select the server you want to manage then navigate to its Settings, then click on the Add Collaborator button and input the name of the user along with the permissions you want to grant.

Add Collaborator

Permission management

RevPanel allows you to grant different permissions to each user. You can grant them the following permissions:

  • ADMINISTRATOR - Grants ALL the permissions listed below

Container management

  • CREATE - Allows the user to create new containers
  • DELETE - Allows the user to delete containers
  • MANAGE - Allows the user to manage containers (start, stop, restart, etc.)
  • EDIT - Allows the user to edit containers (change name, change image, etc.)
  • FILES - Allows the user to access the container’s files
  • TERMINAL - Allows the user to access the container’s terminal

Server management

  • FILES - Allows the user to access the server’s files
  • TERMINAL - Allows the user to access the server’s terminal
  • TASKS - Allows the user to manage the server’s task manager
  • LOGS - Allows the user to access the server’s log filters

Be careful when granting permissions to users, as they can potentially destroy your server.